portrait and headshot PHOTO SESSION PRICING

Wherever you go, go with all your heart.

Traditional Corporate Shots. Tight head-and-shoulder shots or half-body shots taken against a traditional background.
Environmental Portraits. Portraits taken in the natural environment of the subject.
Personal Branding Images. Casual-type environmental portrait for social media use.


Headshot Session Fee. $200
Digital Images. $50 each

  • Session can last as long or as little as you need.

  • Includes unlimited wardrobe changes.

  • Does not include hair and/or makeup.

  • Contact sheet of all images will be emailed to you within 2 days after your session for you to choose from.

  • Selected images will then undergo post-processing and retouching.

  • Final high-resolution digital images will be delivered via online download in 7 to 10 days depending on image selection.

What to Wear for Your Professional Headshot

Solid colors are best. Stay away from strong patterns and logos. If you prefer a patterned shirt, pair it with a solid cardigan or jacket to tone it down.
Jewel tones and rich colors photograph very well and compliment all complexions. Choose colors that compliment your eyes. Pick a color that contrasts against your skin tone to make your headshots pop. Darker colors are slimming, light colors are not.
Neckline, Style, and Fit for Women. Jewel, boat, or narrow V-neck necklines are best for tight headshots as you will be able to still see the neckline once the image is cropped (avoid low scoops and plunging V-neck necklines).
Neckline, Style, and Fit for Men. A well-fitted button-down shirt either by itself or paired with a form fitting jacket. No button-down collars. For a casual look, either a crew neck or a V-neck that is not stretched out.
Women's Jewelry and Accessories. Stud earrings are best with simple pearls, diamonds or other gemstones to match your outfit. Hoops and dangling earrings can be distracting. The focus of the headshot is your face, not your clothes or jewelry.
Men’s Accessories. No chain necklace as it can peak through when changing positions and look distracting.
Eyeglasses. If you normally wear eyeglasses then you should be wearing them in your headshot. It is ideal if glasses have a non-glare coating but if they do not, consider borrowing a pair of glassless frames for your session. Otherwise, glass glare can be removed in post-production.