Low-Carb Yeast Bread

recipe adapted from Diedre’s Kitchen

2019-03-03. My first yeast bread, and it's low carb (gasp!).

Low-carb bread made with almond flour is just not the same. And for some reason my husband gets severe stomach pain when he eats almond flour baked goods. 

This bread contains zero almond flour. It is not gluten free, however, because the secret ingredient that gave this low-carb bread its real-bread texture and taste is vital wheat gluten (thank goodness, I am not sensitive to gluten). It is a relatively soft bread but the crust held it together beautifully. I opted to not bake it in a loaf pan for an artisanal look. I have also made dinner rolls using this recipe and they came out so perfect! 

Yield: 12 servings (approx. 1.75 net carbs per serving)

Low-Carb Yeast Bread (adapted).jpg